Wednesday, January 11, 2012

365 Days of Netflix Instant

I apologize for my sparse blogging, but the holidays and work have kept me from writing as much as I would like.

Well, I'm back to introduce a new on-going series for the new year. I will be watching a new movie everyday from my borderline insane Netflix Instant queue until January 10th, 2013, if the world hasn't ended yet. My review will consist of my thoughts on the film (writing/directing/acting/WTF-ness), and explain to you why exactly this movie was in my queue. These reasons usually include but are not limited to: my attraction toward any of the actresses involved, love of the actors despite attractiveness, or a potential clusterfuck of a plot (looking at you horror movies).

Each review will be posted the next day, along with any related materials (photos/YouTube videos). And if I happen to get someone to actual watch one of these "masterpieces" with me, I will try to include a short audio commentary from said guest.

I will delete the movies that I have watched off the list to the right. This list contains the next ten movies to be watched. I will go straight from 1 to 365 on my queue, unless a seasonal movie is more appropriate (i.e. Halloween, Christmas, 4th of July, etc). The full list will be in the next post after this one, so you can see that I'm not adding movies as I go, unless Netflix drops the movie from the Instant section. In which case, I will update you on its replacement.

I hope that everyone enjoys the eccentric nature of my queue, or at the very least, laughs at my movie choosing process.

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